Day: March 16, 2010

  • What a Woman Wants in a Man (Over the Years)

    What  I Want In A Man!  (Womans’ Perspective) What  I Want in a Man  (age  6) 1. Yuck!  I don’t want a man What  I Want in a Man  (age  12) 1. Cute cute cute!! What  I Want in a Man  (age  14) 1. Cute!! 2. Popular in school! 3. Good in sports What  I…

  • Apple Makes Well Designed Products, but Don’t Last

    I think Apple products are well designed, well interfaced.. but don’t last. Experienced 2 ipods that died in less than 2 years.. and now my laptop’s mainboard on’t turn on.. board issue.. Googled the problem, and many pple seem to have this same problem.  My laptop is only 2yrs old.