Category: Health & Fitness
How Weight Training Can Help You Keep the Weight Off – Commentary
How Weight Training Can Help You Keep the Weight Off Summary: . Combining weight lifting with healthy dieting increases the chances you’ll keep the weight off . Weight training + reduced calorie intake is superior to “general exercise” + reduced calorie intake . Reduced calorie intake should entail eating higher quality, healthier foods, rather…
New York Attorney General Targets Supplements at Major Retailers – Commentary
New York Attorney General Targets Supplements at Major Retailers Summary: . 25 to 50% of herbal supplements sold may be completely bogus. (But which arent’? And do they work??) . Major chains such as Walmart, Sam’s Club, Walgreen, GNC, Target (Costco?) are involved in sellling bogus herbal vitamin supplements that don’t contain the ingredints they…
Slow Runners Come Out Ahead – Commentary
Slow Runners Come Out Ahead Article Link | By Gretchen Reynolds Summary: . Sample set is small – Shouldn’t read too much into this study . Slower runners, who exercised up to 2.5hrs per week lived longer than those who didn’t exercise at all or vigorously exercised. . The study is inconclusive and lacks…
Arnold Schwarznegger Needs to Work Out Again
Arnold is letting himself go. I don’t care how old he is.. political office hasn’t been good to his body. The Terminator needs to get back into shape.
The ET Super Protein Food Diet
The ET Super Protein Healthy Diet Recipe Formulated on 2/20/05 “Healthy Diet and Exercise Should be a Regular Part of Your Life…” Zero Carbs – Super Healthy Diet The ET Super Protein Pancake/Waffle can be eaten and cooked in a few different varieties. The benefit of this recipe is clear. High in healthy protein, vitamins,…
Bacon Fish Salsa Special!
Bacon Fish Salsa Special! “A Delicious Fusion of Bacon and Fish – Easy to Prepare Too!” Formulated on 3/16/05 This is a really simple meal that combines great tasting bacon and healthy fish. It really is simple to make. The dish consists of bacon, fish, rice and your favorite mexican salsa. Keep your kitchen…
Teeth Care Primer
. Brush daily – Ask your dentist what the proper way is. There is a proper way and many wrong misconceived ways. Don’t brush too hard, or you’ll wear out your enamel. Just enough to get the plaque off. . Floss daily. I know this is a pain in the butt, but it does get…
The Glycemic Index
The Glycemic Index The glycemic index refers to the tendency of foods to secrete insulin. The consumption of any foods prompts your body to secrete insulin. The more insulin your body releases, the more fat that food will potentially produce. This is great if you need this energy IMMEDIATELY (eg. during or immediately before exercise). …
Best Exercises for the Busy Person
The Best Exercises for the busy person… If you’re busy, do these exercise a few times a week. They are no-nonsense and very effective. 1. Stretch all your joints and muscles. From head to toe, learn to stretch every part of your body. Fingers, legs, feet, back, arms, neck, etc.. Stretching keeps your muscles relaxed…
Most Nutritious Foods
Here’s my painfully researched list of the best foods to eat for your health’s sake! Eat the following list of foods and you’ll be as healthy as an eagle! How did I compile my list? I researched the foods that had the best combination of high protein to low fat and carbs with high fiber…