The Daily Samual
Thoughts From The Reasonal Man





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Why I'm not a Christian.

Note:  I in no way am trying to disparage the Christian faith.  I am merely expressing my thoughts on the subject and enlightening my audience as to why I do not embrace it.  Anyone is free to believe whatever they choose as long as your faith does not interfere in or oblige my personal freedom.

Intro:  I've read the bible through and through.  I don't think many Christians can claim that.

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13.  According to Christian faith, all humans are born w/ sin.  This is Adams' original sin.  No human can escape this.  Following this logic, this means that all babies are born in sin.  Hence all babies must be "saved" in order to go to heaven.  But Christians are unwilling to follow this logic.  They want their cake and to eat too.  They want to cling to the idea that babies are innocent beings and all go to heaven (ie. aborted babies, babies that are too young to accept Christ, and the babies of everyone who's never heard the Gospel of Christ).

But logically and rationally, you can't have it both ways.  Biblically speaking, it is IMPOSSIBLE for babies or anyone, for that matter who has not repented of their sins and accepted Christ to enter heaven (remember original sin).  No exceptions, no exclusions, no babies.  BUT, Christians refuse to accept this.  To accept this would mean that God is cruel.  Hence, Christians are intellectually dishonest. 

Let's be intellectually honest.  Let's say that babies do go to Hell.   Let's say that all aborted fetuses do go to hell.  Let's say that all mentally handicapped people do go to hell.  What does this then mean? What does this say about their "God"?  Does this mean that it's better for humans to be killed before entering the age of "accountability" and risk going to Hell?

In a perverted way then, All Christians should be Pro-Choice.  Aren't they saving those babies from Hell?!

14. Hell.  It makes no sense.  You expect me to believe that there's a burning lake of fire waiting for those that never accepted Christ?  You expect me to believe that for living 60-80 short years on earth, living a decent human life, helping others, being good to others, being an honest person, but never having accepted Christ, that God will send me to a burning pit to suffer horrifically for eterntiy?  Not only is this insanely cruel, and would make God a horrible beast, but for anyone to take that "leap" to believe this "story" is beyond rational thought.

What about all the "babies"?  What about the mentally handicapped?   What about the billions of souls that never heard the "message"?  Is it fair that they are all burning in Hell?

If that's the case, I wouldn't want to be in heaven.

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