Year: 2009

  • Keyboard Repeat Rate Changes by Itself to ‘Slow’

    I’m running Windows XP, and for many years now, the keyboard repeat rate will change automatically from maximum speed to slow speed. Then I have to open the control panel / keyboard settings and readjust it. This can happen several times in an hour, depending on the program I’m running. I’ve googled this query and…

  • Market Position – Your Options

    When in a market position, you can choose to do the following: 1. Add to your position. 2. Lighten up on your position. 3. Dump your position completely. 4. Hold and do nothing. 5. Hedge your position by buying or selling another stock/etf/index. Any of the above depends on your conviction level and time horizon.

  • Chris Brown – Larry King Interview

    Chris Brown, his mom and his lawyer are in some type public propaganda mission.  They actually expect you to believe that Mr. Chris Brown never engaged in violent behavior in the past, and that the incident w/ Rihanna was a complete aberration, sort of like an alien abduction… Even his mother is in complete denial…

  • Researchers Conclude That Women Are More Open to Men During The Peaks of their Menstrual Cycle

    Something quite obvious… Here’s the Article: Researchers Answer: When should I ask her out? Women’s behavior towards men or sexual interest across the menstrual cycle have been studied previously. For first time, researchers in France have tried to find the change in women’s receptivity to an explicit courtship solicitation across different phases of the menstrual…

  • Market Prognostication

    Market is up today on better than expected employment Numbers. What could make the market go higher?  More cheap money from the government.  If not, the market should see a correction.

  • New Mouseblisters – Super Mouse Grips

    Everyone checkout the new super mouse blisters at  These are super mousegrips that you apply onto your mouse. They apply easily to any location; self-adhesive. This is a great product for anyone who uses their computer ALOT.  This means everyone who’s working in a modern office today needs to consider this product. It’s $8.99…

  • Unable to Send PHP Forms in Website Including WordPress

    If you’re unable to send email usign a form, either via wordpress using any of their many plugins or via a php form page, it’s not wordpress or the script, most likely it’s your server configuration. Make sure that sendmail for PHP is enabled (most likely it is since by default it should be).  But…

  • Car Buying Considerations

    What to consider when buying a new car: 1.  99% of the time, you’re going to spend time inside your car, so consider the interior, the look, feel and comfort of your vehicle. 2. At the end of the day, your car’s main job is to take you from point A to point B.  Nobody…

  • Megan Fox Wants “Rain”

    Megan Fox’s crush, Rain: Are you digging the ‘Korean Justin Timberlake’? by Jeremy Medina Megan Fox has no qualms about publicly declaring her love for people. After all, this is a woman who told anyone with an ear and a press badge that she’d like to sleep with actress Olivia Wilde. Now she’s apparently moved…

  • Evaluation and Experience

    I originally invested about $3500 in approx 2 years ago (circa 2007).  Since then I’ve had half my loans go bad.  Funny thing is that I loaned money out to only A and B Quality borrowers.  The rates were lower, but default rate was still high. I’ve recuperated about $2500 of my original principal,…